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4 reasons MONAT didn't work for you

I can’t tell you how many times people have come to me telling me that they tried MONAT and it didn’t work. After I have a short conversation with them and ask a few questions, I’ve already figured out why. Of course, you can be allergic to anything so I’m not talking about that in this case, but here are some reasons why MONAT might not have worked for you in the past (and why you should give it another shot).

You weren’t educated on or you didn’t power through DETOX (the healing phase)

Detox, or the healing phase, is the process that your hair goes through during the first few months of using MONAT. During those first few months, MONAT is stripping your hair of all of the buildup that’s been collecting onto your hair and scalp for years (waxes, silicones, hard water, etc.). During this your hair can feel and/or look greasy/sticky, you can experience excess shedding, flakey scalp, hair can feel dry, etc. Because MONAT is a healing product and not a band-aid product, this process is necessary to restore your hair to its natural state. Once MONAT powers through all of that, the actual healing can begin.

You were using the wrong products

MONAT is super problem-specific — each product works differently to attack a different problem. If you have an oily scalp along with oily hair, Renew (a hydrating shampoo) probably isn’t going to be the best option for you and if you have dry hair, Revive (a more clarifying shampoo) probably won’t be the best option for you. Your Market Partner should recommend products to you based on what your hair needs (you can take the hair quiz here if you’re curious about what you should use) and your Market Partner should be following up with you every once in a while to make sure that what they recommended is working. Make sure that you’re honest with them, don’t just tell them what you think they want to hear. A Market Partner’s job is to help you and make sure your experience is the best that it can be, let them help you and troubleshoot with you if something isn’t working!

You think shedding is a bad thing

Let’s talk about shedding! Shedding is not hair loss. There’s a very big difference. Healthy hair is supposed to shed — the average scalp sheds about 100-200 strands of hair Something I hear from so many people when they start MONAT is “I’m losing so much hair!” They’re not used to shedding.

During detox, you can experience more shedding than the normal amount (this is still nothing to worry about) because — most likely — your hair hasn’t been shedding so there’s a lot of hair stuck to your head that hasn’t been shed.

If you’re experiencing actual hair loss, it’s almost always (we’re talking 99% of the time) an internal issue. Stress, medication, illness, postpartum, trauma, and so much more cause hair loss. It’s very rare that a topical product would cause it (unless you’re dumping acid or Nair on your hair/scalp). Consult with a doctor if you have hair loss.

You were using the products wrong

Using the products wrong? What? Yes, you can actually use the products incorrectly and it won’t give you the results that you’re wanting. The most important thing to know right off the bat, you always need to shampoo twice! The first wash lifts the dirt and grime and the second wash cleanses it away. Sometimes you might even need to add a third wash (especially when you’re just starting out). Your first wash won’t lather but the second wash should (and if it doesn't, that’s where the third wash comes in).

Less is more! MONAT products are highly concentrated meaning you don’t need to use a lot. I see so many people use way too much product, especially styling products, and it can cause their hair to look and feel greasy or stiff. It can be hard to get used to using less but my rule of thumb is that you can always add more if you need more!